Cheese String World Tour

Cheese String made an alright game.

What Is It?

Cheestrings’ very own Mr. Strings invites you on his weird and wild World Tour. Traveling in any kind of vehicle you can draw, you’ll encounter hypnotic beavers, dragons, exploding pandas, wheeled tigers, and maybe even the elusive shycows.

What I Think

I spent a lot of time on this game at school. I probably should have done work but it was just to entertaining to try and design weirdly shaped vehicles and race them along the maps. I often found the weirder ones worked best.

The game is a physics based 2D side scrolling racing game where your aim is to get to the finishline as fast as possible. Nice and simple. The challenge came in the form of obstacles such as falling food and giraffes with nothing better to do than kick you the opposite direction.

You start off by designing a vehicle with a freedraw tool and some wheels then you race along maps. Easy as that.

The game was fun, entertaining and just a little bit educational. You learn a little bit about each of the destinations on the ‘World Tour’. Did you know cows wear berets in France?  The game told me so!


Unfortunatly this game appears to have gone from the internet which is a real shame. It was a good game and I’ll always remember it as one.

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